Birth Doula, Holistic Reproductive Practitioner, Reflexology, Reiki



Holistic Fertility Support


What is Holistic Fertility Support?

Infertility affects over 6 million people in the United States.

In 35% of cases of couples with infertility, BOTH male and female factors are found.

You are not alone on your journey to conceive a baby.

As a Holistic Reproductive Practitioner, I work with couples and individuals who are trying to conceive naturally as well as those going through fertility treatments.

During a Holistic Fertility Consultation we will discuss:

  • A fertility supporting diet and nutritional herbs

  • Lifestyle factors including environmental toxins, stress management, sleep, alcohol, etc.

  • How to exercise to support your natural cycle

  • Hormonal health and imbalances

  • Charting your cycle and timing intercourse

  • Energetic blocks such as past traumas, and fear around pregnancy, birth and parenting

  • 3 Monthly follow-up meetings to go over your chart and check in

My holistic services are not meant to replace medical care with your primary provider.

How Does Reflexology Help With Fertility?

Reflexology has many benefits while you are trying to conceive including:

  • Reduced stress

  • Deep relaxation

  • A Parasympathetic Nervous Response otherwise known as “rest and digest”

  • Increased blood flow to the uterus and ovaries for healthier eggs and implantation

  • Improved hormonal balance

  • Improved digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Promotes healing for reproductive conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids and PCOS

  • Can improve sperm motility, morphology and volume

When you are experiencing physical and emotional stress, your body can’t focus on reproduction. Reflexology calms the nervous system and allows your body to rest and heal. It is safe, non-invasive and compliments all other medical therapies including IVF and IUI.

Regular reflexology sessions stimulate the body’s own healing response, helps to heal reproductive conditions and brings the body into balance.

Reflexology Fertility Protocols

My Reflexology protocols are based on research conducted by Barbara Scott, a Reflexologist and trainer in the UK. She conducted a data collection study with 180 couples diagnosed with infertility using specific Reflexology protocols.

There were 100 natural conceptions and 22 assisted conceptions out of the 180 couples during the course of her study.

You can do the Reflexology protocols with or without the Holistic Fertility package.

Male Protocol

Male fertility has declined significantly in the last 25 years. In 2/3 of fertility cases, there are male factors present. Men’s fertility is often overlooked and is extremely important. The male fertility protocol can improve sperm health including morphology, motility and volume. It can also help with issues with the testicals, prostate and vas deferens. Since it takes nearly 3 months for sperm to mature, it does take some time to measure change.

These are the recommendations for the male fertility protocol:

  • 8-12 weeks of weekly Reflexology sessions

  • A sperm analysis with a health care provider before and after the protocol to measure progress

Female Protocol

Women should receive 4 weeks of weekly Reflexology sessions followed by two sessions a month. Since women’s bodies are cyclical, it’s best to start the protocol on week 1 of your cycle. If you can not do the whole protocol, weeks 2 and 3 are the most important.

  • 4 weeks of weekly Reflexology sessions

  • Followed by 2 Reflexology sessions a month

The Reflexology Fertility Protocols are not a substitute for medical care.

How Does Reiki Help With Fertility?

Reiki is a gentle energy therapy that clears energetic blockages, balances the chakras, and reduces stress and inflammation in the body.

Some of the energetic, emotional and mental blockages people can experience with infertility include:

  • Parent wounds

  • Processing grief and pregnancy loss

  • Previous birth trauma

  • Anxiety and fear around pregnancy

  • Feminine/Masculine insecurity

  • Control issues (surrender)

Reiki is also beneficial for those with PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, irregular menstrual cycles, failure to ovulate, hormonal imbalances, and sperm mobility, motility or quality problems.