Birth Doula, Holistic Reproductive Practitioner, Reflexology, Reiki


Posts on Pregnancy, Birth, Fertility, Postpartum, Reflexology and Reiki.

Healing Postpartum Lentil Curry Recipe

Whether you are a few days postpartum or in the first two years after giving birth, nourishing and rebuilding your body is very important for your own health, the health of your baby and for future children. I completed my Ayurvedic Postpartum Doula certification this year through Ayurvedic Mamas. I learned so much about the importance of postpartum care and nutrition. There is an Ayurvedic saying that the first 42 days after birth affect the next 42 years.

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Liver Health and Fertility

What does your liver have to do with your fertility? Honestly, A LOT!

The liver is our body’s primary filtration system and is responsible for metabolizing hormones and nutrients, cleansing the blood and converting toxins into waste.

When we don’t eliminate excess hormones and toxins effectively, our bodies can become burdened and unbalanced. Hormones that are not metabolized and eliminated can be reabsorbed into the body causing a hormonal imbalance.

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What Are The Benefits of Reflexology After a Loss?

Loss support isn't easy or natural for most people. A lot of the things that people think they should say are actually painful for people who are experiencing loss to hear. It's really hard for loving family and friends to be comfortable with a person's discomfort. The reality is, we can't take their pain away with our words. The most comforting thing we can offer is validation that it's okay to be in pain, to be sad, to be angry or even jealous of others.

To be able to offer a client comforting touch while I listen or just be present with in silence has always felt like something I could do. And while that made me feel a little bit better about my role, it has so many benefits for the grieving person as well.

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3 Ways to Support Your Fertility

As a Holistic Reproductive Practitioner, I work with people on a regular basis who are trying to conceive. About 12% of women under the age of 44 are unable to get pregnant after trying for one year. However, infertility is not just a woman’s issue! In 35% of cases of couples with infertility, both male and female factors are found.

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The 3 R's of Postpartum Recovery

According to the CDC, 1 in 8 women in the United States suffers from postpartum depression. The rate of postpartum depression increased 7 times from 2000 to 2015. It’s really not shocking considering how little postpartum support most women have. When I’m working with birth clients we spend a lot of time talking about postpartum recovery. I always discuss the 3 R’s.

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