Birth Doula, Holistic Reproductive Practitioner, Reflexology, Reiki


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Posts tagged Loss
What Are The Benefits of Reflexology After a Loss?

Loss support isn't easy or natural for most people. A lot of the things that people think they should say are actually painful for people who are experiencing loss to hear. It's really hard for loving family and friends to be comfortable with a person's discomfort. The reality is, we can't take their pain away with our words. The most comforting thing we can offer is validation that it's okay to be in pain, to be sad, to be angry or even jealous of others.

To be able to offer a client comforting touch while I listen or just be present with in silence has always felt like something I could do. And while that made me feel a little bit better about my role, it has so many benefits for the grieving person as well.

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